Borderless Gaming can run your windowed games in full screen more including multiple monitors.

Borderless Gaming can run your windowed games in full screen more including multiple monitors.
Borderless Gaming will try and see any games (or processes) that are running and run them in a full screen. You can also add them to your favorites. It's not perfect; it will find other applications, but you can right click and ignore anything you don't want so you don't have to see it. Games you want to run all the time can be added to your favorites with the click of an arrow. You can also restore all hidden processes later if you like.
There are 4 options in the middle of the application; add or remove a process, make process borderless or try to restore it back to its bordered state.
For options, you can run on startup, use keyboard and mouse hotkeys, hide balloon tips and view full process details.
Under Tools, you can open folders, pause automatic processing, toggle mouse, and keyboard visibility and do a complete application refresh.
Help has links to a usage guide and more. It should be noted that not all games have been tested, so it's possible it might not work on your favorite. The usage guide has a list of tested games and known bugs.
Borderless Gaming is just one of those true gems for those who love retro games. It's small, open source and accomplishes something any gamer has thought about at some point.
