The demo features one multiplayer level and includes day and night settings. The demo is playable over the NovaWorld Games Network and via LAN. Other features in the demo include:
Night vision.
Players can play as medics.
Humvees drive around the map on a fixed course. Players can board the Humvees and use the .50 cal machine guns against the opposing team.
Progressive Spawn Points - Players can "capture" neutral spawn points to add additional spawn locations.
Players can lean around corners to look and shoot.
Frag grenades.
Grenade launchers (fixed weapon emplacements).
New weapon ballistics.
Download Black Hawk Down MP Demo
Night vision.
Players can play as medics.
Humvees drive around the map on a fixed course. Players can board the Humvees and use the .50 cal machine guns against the opposing team.
Progressive Spawn Points - Players can "capture" neutral spawn points to add additional spawn locations.
Players can lean around corners to look and shoot.
Frag grenades.
Grenade launchers (fixed weapon emplacements).
New weapon ballistics.
Download Black Hawk Down MP Demo