BeefText 14.0

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BeefText is a time-saving tool that permits you to manage and use text snippets and common phrases, including names, addresses, or email signatures, to simplify your workflow.

BeefText is a time-saving tool that permits you to manage and use text snippets and common phrases, including names, addresses, or email signatures, to simplify your workflow.

This tool will be useful for those who work on their PC daily, send emails, write documents, etc. You know that some repetitive phrases and sentences occur. BeefText is designed to save you some time in those instances by recording frequently typed things and permitting you to insert them anywhere you please via hotkeys.

It permits you to assign a text snippet to a hotkey via a relatively simple process; you select the name for the snippet, hotkey, and then the text you wish to assign. Everything is displayed through a minimalistic interface that is marked clearly. BeefText works by 'listening to your keystroke and being notified of every keyboard (and mouse) interaction provided the program is running. The authors of Beeftext state that it will not store any of your typing, noting that absolutely no data is sent to any server.

BeefText can help you save some time in an easy-to-setup and configure way if you work daily on the PC. One thing to keep in mind, since this app 'listens' to your input devices, it may get a few hits on VirusTotal due to this fact, but this should be expected.

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