Nikktech tried the Be Quiet! Shadow Rock Slim CPU Cooler
A quote from the article:
A few days back a good friend of mine decided to build a brand new system purely for HTPC use featuring one of the latest 4770k CPUs by Intel so when the time came for him to decide on a CPU Cooler we turned to me and the end result was him choosing the Antec Kuhler H2O 650 since he wanted good cooling with almost no noise at all (for that he has the fan switch to silent mode). That being said lately many of you out there have asked us to concentrate in doing more reviews about CPU Coolers and although there aren't that many new models in the market right now we will give it our best shot. Now since for the past 2 months or so we've been focusing in reviewing CPU Liquid Systems and high-end CPU Air Coolers we decided that in order to cover each and every single one of our readers our next few reviews should be about mid-end and HTPC low-profile CPU Coolers. The brand new Shadow Rock Slim by our friends at be quiet! is one such product and it has been on our test bench since Monday.Be Quiet! Shadow Rock Slim CPU Cooler Review @ NikKTech