Anandtech published Battlefield 4 Mantle Performance Preview
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After a false start or two, AMD is finally getting the first beta of Mantle out the door. With EA DICE having shipped their Mantle patch for Battlefield 4 and developer Oxide having released their Star Swarm technical demo, the first Mantle-enabled applications have landed. Meanwhile AMD for their part is still hammering out an installation issue on their new Mantle-enabled Catalyst drivers, which has led to them missing their previously scheduled January release date. In the interim, AMD has released a slightly finickier set of drivers to the press for us to play around with ahead of the public Mantle driver release. These drivers should be functionally and performance identical to the public drivers, they just have an outstanding installation bug that requires a workaround, something that AMD doesnt want in the shipping version. AMD hasnt provided a public release date for these drivers at this point its in their best interest to avoid providing release dates they dont know if they can keep but given the fact that this is the sole showstopper issue in our press drivers, we certainly dont expect theyll take much longer.Battlefield 4 Mantle Performance Preview @ Anandtech