Brilliant Brew is a mobile, hi-tech, futuristic twist on your mid day-pick me-up.
South By South West is in full swing. So it is no wonder that when its sleep deprived crowd learned of free lattes, compliments of GE, that they flocked to Brilliant Brew.

Brilliant Brew is a mobile, hi-tech, futuristic twist on your mid day-pick me-up. GE teamed up with Rock Paper Robot to create these twin robots that create a drinkable version of your face.

Here is how it works: you stand still and give your biggest smile, they snap a picture of your face translate it into a special computer code, and then the bots draw the image as series of X, Y, and Z axes. Think it of it as printing, using foamy bubbles as a canvas, and coffee as ink.
There are many challenges associated with this (light, lack of light, the foam, etc.), but all in all it is a pretty cool way to get your cup of coffee. Do baristas everywhere need to fear these robots taking over their jobs? You tell me:

South By South West is in full swing. So it is no wonder that when its sleep deprived crowd learned of free lattes, compliments of GE, that they flocked to Brilliant Brew.

GE's Brilliant Brew, home of the Barista Bots at SXSW. Photo: GE
Brilliant Brew is a mobile, hi-tech, futuristic twist on your mid day-pick me-up. GE teamed up with Rock Paper Robot to create these twin robots that create a drinkable version of your face.

Barista Bot's rendition of a face. Photo: Digital Trends
Here is how it works: you stand still and give your biggest smile, they snap a picture of your face translate it into a special computer code, and then the bots draw the image as series of X, Y, and Z axes. Think it of it as printing, using foamy bubbles as a canvas, and coffee as ink.
There are many challenges associated with this (light, lack of light, the foam, etc.), but all in all it is a pretty cool way to get your cup of coffee. Do baristas everywhere need to fear these robots taking over their jobs? You tell me:

Latte art by me, a real life barista. Photo: Wiza