Badass Inc.

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Badass Inc. is a point-and-click action game that has you playing the part of a contract killer tasked to eliminate a target in an unconventional way.
Badass Inc. is a point-and-click action game that has you playing the part of a contract killer tasked to eliminate a target in an unconventional way.There is some sassiness to go along with the Badass Inc. gameplay that should give you a chuckle as you attempt to fill the kill contract all the while you are pumping to a dark mood setting soundtrack - dropped into the underworld in a city wracked with desperation and crime is where you start. Revel in the full-on apathy of the protagonist as you complete situational puzzles, interspersed with cinematic action scenes, tense shootouts and some sarcastic replies. It's an in and out type of job, take out the target and hopefully get paid or at bare minimum laugh while trying!