Background Generator is capable of creating extensive material and random background images in high-resolution PNG/JPG image formats via seven background generating programs.
Background Generator is capable of creating extensive material and random background images in high-resolution PNG/JPG image formats via seven background generating programs.
The backgrounds include Abstract Background Generator (Colorful), Material Design & Repeating Pattern Background Generator (Graphics), and more.
Background Generator generates amazing images by random machine programs with seven different templates and ensures every single created image is unique. You can also customize the image width and height with all outputs in high-resolution images larger than 4K. Besides JPG/JPEG image formats, Background Generator also supports the ability to save the generated background image to PNG format, and the Transparent option allows users to choose to save the PNG with a transparent layer or opaque. This option will be useful for designers who want to use the generated backgrounds with other designing resources.
In addition to the creation of images, Background Generator is also capable of adding text onto the created image. So, if you want to add text or a slogan to your background, you can additionally add ext effects like blur, shadow, lights, etc. Background Generator includes presets and templates of image examples and text effects for each image style.
Background Generator is provided in portable as well as installer versions.
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