AxCrypt 2.1.1560.0

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AxCrypt provides easy-to-use Open Source file encryption that integrates seamlessly with Windows to encrypt, decrypt, compress, store, send and work with individual files.

AxCrypt provides easy-to-use Open Source file encryption that integrates seamlessly with Windows to encrypt, decrypt, compress, store, send and work with individual files.

Your newly encrypted files from AxCrypt will have a ".axx" extension added and will be shown with a new icon. Normally they are hidden by default but they can be displayed if the enable the option to display known extensions in Windows.

AxCrypt allows double-click editing/viewing with any application and automatically will re-encrypt after any modifications are made. It uses AES encryption with 128-bit keys and supports optional passphrase cache - type passphrases once per login and/or reboot. There is no user configuration required before use which makes it perfect for any skill level to use.
