AutorunsVTchecker can check all of your startup items on VirusTotal using Microsoft Autoruns.

AutorunsVTchecker can check all of your startup items on VirusTotal using Microsoft Autoruns.
Before you begin, be sure to download the portable Microsoft Autoruns, and that needs to be running. Because of the number of processes and services that are running, this tool should only be used by techs advanced users familiar with startup item names and looking to solve remote infections.
Next merely execute AutorunsVTchecker, and a Command-Prompt will appear and do its thing. You have to wait for it to finish. Any pauses are due to VirusTotal lag.
Once completed, you will be able to see yellow and red where there are potential problems. We saw some false positives, especially with what should be known Windows DLL files, so again, don't make any changes unless you're sure.
Where AutorunsVTchecker falls short is the lack of a log file, or better yet, a simplified version of what was found. The Command Prompt closes with no warning, and on the first run, we scratched our heads when we couldn't find a log file. That said, AutorunsVTchecker was designed to simplify diagnostics with a remote infected computer. If you're not using AutorunsVTchecker for this, you won't find it helpful.
