Autopatcher 6.2.25

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Autopatcher can download Microsoft service packs, redistributables and other software (Java, Adobe) offline so you can automate it on other computers.

Autopatcher can download Microsoft service packs, redistributables and other software (Java, Adobe) offline so you can automate it on other computers.

Currently, AutoPatcher is not available for Windows 10, but it's actively being developed so hopefully soon. We tested it on Windows 10 anyway, because sometimes an unsupported OS works, but it just hung trying to download. So to update a Windows 8, 7 or Vista machine, you will need to run Autopatcher from one of those operating systems.

Some years back, all software patches used to be distributed with Autopatcher, but Microsoft shut them down, requiring direct downloads from the Microsoft servers.

Autopatcher is an excellent idea for any tech having to install Windows frequently, saving, in our experience, 4 or 5 hours of waiting for downloads. That said, a Windows 10 version is sorely needed, but we can't knock the guy, sometimes the best, freeware software is maintained by one or two people with families and day jobs, so we'll wait.

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