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AutoMate assists in building custom automated tasks. In most cases, these automated tasks can be created without writing a single line of code.

AutoMate assists in building custom automated tasks. In most cases, these automated tasks can be created without writing a single line of code.

Whether you are a system administrator, programmer or a home user, most people who use computers have repetitive tasks that they would like to automate or application behaviors that they would like to modify.

Users of AutoMate construct automated tasks with the help of a wizard and an intuitive drag-and-drop Task Builder.

AutoMate breaks down common user actions into basic steps. The user builds tasks step-by-step in logical progressions. The result emulates an actual user performing the given task or procedure. AutoMate tasks comprise two primary components: Actions and Triggers. Just learn how these components work, and AutoMate's wizards will easily guide you through the process of Task design.

Remember...this is programming without coding, using AutoMate's drag-and-drop Task Builder. Simply show AutoMate your specific steps, selected from over one hundred readily available actions.
