Auto-Cpufreq 2.4.0 released

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A new software update is available: Auto-Cpufreq 2.4.0 released

Auto-Cpufreq 2.4.0 released

Auto-Cpufreq 2.4.0, the latest version of the automatic CPU speed and power optimizer for Linux, has just been released. It keeps a close eye on your laptop's battery state, CPU usage, temperature, and system load, giving you the power to enhance battery life without sacrificing anything. A number of enhancements have been included in the change log, such as the addition of support for the "Platform Profile" parameter, the addition of a section for the Gentoo Install, and the addition of support for the dinit (Artix) init system. It also stops the battery switch on the Xbox controller from being made to the battery profile. Among the bugs that have been fixed are those related to performance EPP in AMD CPUs, using the Repology badge for automatic AUR version updating, making it more compatible with Arch-based distributions, fixing important name mistakes in auto-cpufreq, refactoring the charging function, updating the version of nix requests, and working around problems with Artix Linux. 

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