Auto Recycle Bin 1.3.0

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Auto Recycle Bin permits you to automate the process of cleaning up of your recycle bin.

Auto Recycle Bin permits you to automate the process of cleaning up of your recycle bin.

The manual process for emptying your recycle bin is not complicated at any stretch, but it can be overlooked resulting in quite a full bin after a while. Auto Recycle Bin is designed to ensure that you never need to think about or remember to do it ever again. It uses specific rules for operation; time specified deletion, size of files, and overall size of the bin itself against your machine's free disk space.

Auto Recycle Bin has three launch options to choose from; manually which only deletes when the app is launched, at Windows startup, and always on which periodically processes items. The third option uses the least amount PC resources. If you are constantly working on your machine, then this will be a helpful addition to keep your recycle bin managed without needing to give it a second thought. And anything that can help streamline the work day is always welcomed!
