Audigy + Windows XP Problems!

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WinOsCentral has a fix for your Audigy + Windows XP problems so here goes:

A lot of people have complained about the drivers that ship with the Audigy cards especially those running Windows XP. It seems the problem lies in the WinXP file sfman32.dll. This file is NOT being updated properly when the drivers are installed causing all kinds of crashes and problems. There is a fix for it that I found over on Live which is a pretty detailed/involved fix but it does seem to correct the problem.

If you are experiencing a problem with the drivers that came on the Audigy CD then this might be the answer you have been looking for. Now you can also try the "leaked" Audigy XP drivers over on (where else) which I installed and they seemed to work just fine.

Just thought some of you would like to get this fixed since you dropped a cool $100.00 on the card.