ATI & Nvidia Driver Comparisions!

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Here's a few driver comparisions from VR-Zone and Multi-Hardware:

1) VR-Zone Since Nvidia has updated with a new set of 28.32 drivers with control panels, VR-Zone has done some quick 3DMark2001SE comparision between the 23.11, 27.70 and 28.32 detonator drivers with a GeForce3 Ti200 and GeForce4 MX440. We found that Detonator 23.11 still suit the GeForce3 series better while there is no performance improvement with the 28.32 drivers.

2) Multi-Hardware have benchmarked the New Nvidia 28.32 against the 27.70 Drivers and the new ATI against the using the following cards PNY GeForce 4 Mx 440 , ATI Radeon 8500LE.