Just got word that OnlyNewZ , Dark Tweaker and VR Zone have thrown up their Catalyst 4.1 Driver Comparisons!
They tested Catalyst 3.10 against the newly released Catalyst 4.1 using the following Radeon cards 9800 XT , 9800 Pro 128 MB, 9700 Pro, 9600 Pro, and using the following benchmarks Unreal Tournament 2003, Halo - Combat Evolved, Unreal Tournament 2003, Max Payne 2, Need for Speed Underground . OnlyNewZ Dark Tweaker VR Zone
They tested Catalyst 3.10 against the newly released Catalyst 4.1 using the following Radeon cards 9800 XT , 9800 Pro 128 MB, 9700 Pro, 9600 Pro, and using the following benchmarks Unreal Tournament 2003, Halo - Combat Evolved, Unreal Tournament 2003, Max Payne 2, Need for Speed Underground . OnlyNewZ Dark Tweaker VR Zone