ASUS XG-C100C 10Gbe PCIe Network Adapter Review

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Tweaktown posted ASUS XG-C100C 10Gbe PCIe Network Adapter Review A quote from the article:
Late last year, ASUS deployed the Z170 Maximus Extreme 8 Assembly with the ROG 10G Express add-on NIC. This signaled a change in the consumer networking space that it was now ready for the additional performance 10Gbe has to offer. ASUS has now followed up on this device with a consumer product, the XG-C100C. The C100C is a single port NIC that supports 10Gbe along with 5, 2.5, and 1Gbe standards. This card is built on the Aquantia AQN107 Multi-Gig adapter from earlier in the year dressed in a red PCB with improvements including a red heat sink from ASUS. The MSRP of the XG-C100C comes in at $99.99 with a one-year warranty.
 ASUS XG-C100C 10Gbe PCIe Network Adapter Review @ TweakTown