Asus' Tinker Board single-board computer reviewed

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The Tech Report published a review on the Asus' Tinker Board single-board computered A quote from the article:
With success comes imitators. Maker-focused e-shops now have pastry cases filled with a host of Pi clones in Banana, Orange, and Rose flavors in addition to BeagleBoards and Odroids. Some of these clones have sought to undercut the Raspberry Pi on price, while others add extra I/O capabilities like SATA ports. Asus is the first major motherboard vendor to enter this space, and its Tinker Board boasts Gigabit networking, more memory, a faster CPU, and enhanced graphical capabilities, including 4K video playback. The original goal of this review was to put the machine's horsepower to the test, but software problems prevented us from performing many of the intended benchmarks.
 Asus' Tinker Board single-board computer reviewed @ The Tech Report