Asus G73Jh-A1 Gaming Notebook Review

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BURNED iN posted Asus G73Jh-A1 Gaming Notebook Review A quote from the article:

We realize we're not the first website to post a review of the Asus G73Jh-A1 gaming notebook -- though we were one of the first to get our hands on this unit (heh, we said "unit") -- but even if you've read several other evaluations of this model already, let us encourage you to click through the following pages anyway. Why? Dude, we like the hits. But other than the obvious, after a couple of months of extensive testing and real-world usage, we have a firm grip on where this laptop stands among its peers, and at least one quirky troubleshooting tip that we wouldn't have run into had we cranked out a review after a few days of testing (Steam users take note, this tip applies to you).

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