Argus Monitor

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Argus Monitor quietly runs as a background task constantly monitoring the health status of your hard disks.

Argus Monitor quietly runs as a background task continuously monitoring the health status of your hard disks.

You will be informed in case one of the critical S.M.A.R.T. values changes. If one of the attributes reaches a vendor specified threshold, you will also get a warning that the hard drive is likely to fail within the next 24 hours of operation.

Argus Monitor also stores the S.M.A.R.T. status of every drive (even the ones attached only from time to time - e.g. via S-ATA) and will, therefore, be able to warn you of decreased drive health even if the hard drive was attached to another PC when the value decreased.

Argus Monitor Features:

Monitor your hard disk drive temperature and the health status of your hard disk drive by constantly checking the critical S.M.A.R.T. attributes.
Warns you with a probability of up to 70 percent before a hard drive fail -- in time for you to save all the precious data added to your system after the last backup.
Graphical display of the temperatures of your hard disk drives.
Monitoring and graphical display of GPU temperature
Graphical display of the CPU temperature (independently for each CPU core).
Graphical display of core frequency (enables you to check if power management is working)
