Archman Linux is an Arch-based Linux distro. There are Xfce, KDE Plasma, Mate, Deepin, Gnome, Lxde, and Lxqt versions.
Archman Linux is an Arch-based Linux distro. There are Xfce, KDE Plasma, Mate, Deepin, Gnome, Lxde, and Lxqt versions.
Xfce is preferred because it is popular and responsive desktop management, and it is also very efficient for older computers. It consumes an average of 400-500 MB of RAM.
Archman's name, Arch Linux and Pac Man, is derived from the combination of package management.
Archman Linux supports many desktop management and offers updated versions. One of the versions of KDE Plasma, Mate, Deepin, Gnome, Lxde, Lxqt, and finally i3wm is waiting for your use, especially with their flagship version Xfce.
Donations are accepted here.