APC Back-UPS ES 725 Broadband @ GeekExtreme

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After collecting an obscene amount of data and asking a whole lot of questions about certain things, GeekExtreme has posted it's review of the APC Back-UPS ES 725 Broadband. Read More for a snip. "So there you sit in the dark, all your hard work down the crapper, all because for whatever reason the power goes out. It's times like this you start weeping uncontrollably, and in more extreme circumstances, might even contemplate suicide (well ok, maybe not.) The unfortunate but sad truth is, there's really nothing you can do to stop this, short of generating your own power and completely disconnecting yourself from the city's power grid, but even then you're not 100% safe. It's going to happen whether you like it or not. It may be weather related, or you could be at the mercy of a somewhat unreliable power grid. While it may not be totally economical to generate enough electricity to power your entire house, there is one thing you can do to help keep your computer running long enough for you to save all that important work and shut it down properly. Yes, I'm talking about a UPS, or uninterruptible power supply, and today we take a look at the Back-UPS ES 725 Broadband from APC."