Apache NetBeans IDE 25 released
Apache NetBeans IDE 25 has been released, including various enhancements to enhance the development environment. These include enhancements to Gradle, Maven, Ant, Java, Groovy, PHP, and Enterprise. Gradle now accepts test single files for test classes whose names do not match the associated file names, and it now respects the set Java Runtime. Maven has enhanced dependency resolution, remote index migration, and addressed difficulties with ProjectReload and release candidates. Ant has fixed the ConcurrentModificationException while several Ant projects are open, and Java has fixed code folding for LSP clients that only allow line folding. Java has improved its code completion support for sealed types in switches, and the system has been updated to JDK 23. Groovy has been updated to version 3.0.23, and PHP now supports PHPStan rule level 10, unrestricted static variable initializers, and Asymmetric Visibility v2.
Apache NetBeans IDE 25 released
A new software update is available: Apache NetBeans IDE 25 released