Apache NetBeans 22 released

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A new software update is available: Apache NetBeans 22 released

Apache NetBeans 22 released

Apache NetBeans IDE 22 has been released. NetBeans has been updated with various modifications, including the ability to import Payara Server configurations, fix DB selection in JPA entity generation, ensure that only current schemas are resolved, and add support for GlassFish 7.0.14 and GlassFish 8.0.0-M4. The JSF Facelets template wizard now supports the JSF 4+ namespace. The editor has been enhanced with a more functional parser API, as well as an updated editing toolbar. UI modifications have been done, such as fixing the welcome page after config import, filtering the delete action on Favorites root nodes, and adding common actions with shortcuts to the editor background. The NSCode extension has been tidied up, and the Language Server Protocol has been added. The CI pipeline has been improved, and the VSNetBeans version 21.9.9 has been updated.

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