AOC USB-C Portable Monitor Review

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Windows Central published a review on the AOC USB-C Portable Monitor

A quote from the article:
If you're in the market for an external monitor that travels well, AOC has a great option.

The majority of the writing I do for Mobile Nations, Windows Central's parent company, happens at home. I have a gigantic monitor that lets me comfortably split two windows so I can have the text I'm writing on the left side of the screen and reference material on the right.

When I take my laptop out into the world, work slows down a lot. If I'm writing up an article on a new phone, and I'm referencing the manufacturer's press materials, I type a bit, change back to the manufacturer's site, go back to typing, and so on. It doesn't sound like a lot, but the time it takes to switch back and forth between windows adds up.
 AOC USB-C Portable Monitor Review