Anagram Generator is a freeware and portable app that can create anagrams and lexigrams, generate reverse dictionaries, and more.

Anagram Generator is a freeware and portable app that can create anagrams and lexigrams, generate reverse dictionaries, and more.
Some of the many uses of Anagram Generator:
Word search/crossword solver function allows wildcard searches against a dictionary.
Allows you to see if your phone number spells anything interesting.
Solves Jumble puzzles.
Searches for palindromes.
Search for words that rhyme with other words. Ideal for songwriters, musicians, and poets.
Includes English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Dutch and Spanish dictionaries.
Saves all results as text files for future viewing/editing/printing.
Non-encrypted dictionaries allow full customization of words if required.
Manually edited English dictionary trimmed to generate interesting anagrams at a much faster speed.
