AMD Ryzen 4000 desktop APU lineup leaked

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Hexus published AMD Ryzen 4000 desktop APU lineup leaked A quote from the article:
Renoir processor list includes CPU core counts and speeds, maximum GPU speeds. A long list of AMD Ryzen 4000 desktop APUs has been shared by Igor Wallosek of Igor's Lab (and of TomsHardware Germany). In what Igor refers to as an "explosive" leak we get to see a long list of Ryzen 4000 APU specs, with 22 variants listed by OPN (rather than a public-facing codename), provided by an insider source. Moreover, the list includes specs like CPU core counts and speeds, and GPU CU counts and speeds. Igor provides further details of select parts. Probably the key headlining news nugget from this leak is that it looks like there will be desktop APUs with up to 8C/16T released by AMD.
  AMD Ryzen 4000 desktop APU lineup leaked