AMD Radeon RX 480 And Crimson Edition v16.7.1 Drivers With Power Consumption Fix Tested

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Hot Hardware published a review on the AMD Radeon RX 480 And Crimson Edition v16.7.1 Drivers With Power Consumption Fix Tested A quote from the article:
AMD just made available the Radeon Software Crimson Edition driver v16.7.1 with fixes for the Radeon RX 480's power consumption issues. The driver is available for download on AMD's website now, and includes a long list of fixes and known issues. In case you missed the news over the last few days since its launch, the Radeon RX 480's power draw over the PCIe slot was exceeding the spec, which is a cause of concern for motherboards that can't handle the load. The cards? overall power consumption was exceeding the rated 150 Watt TDP too. Some stories quickly surfaced of motherboards reportedly crippled by the Radeon RX 480's power characteristics as well. Under-volting some cards also resulted in power savings and -- counter intuitively -- improved performance. It has been an interesting few days to say the least.

AMD, however, acknowledged the issues right away and immediately got to work on a potential fix through software, which brings us to today's release of the Radeon Software Crimson Edition v16.7.1 drivers...
 AMD Radeon RX 480 And Crimson Edition v16.7.1 Drivers With Power Consumption Fix Tested @ HotHardware