AMD Catalyst Omega Driver Review

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Hexus posted a review on the AMD Catalyst Omega Driver A quote from the article:
More performance and features for Radeon graphics cards and APUs. AMD remains publicly buoyant that its Radeon GPUs are highly competitive with Nvidia's latest Maxwell GeForce GTX 970 and 980 offerings. Nvidia may hold the single-GPU crown and be leading on power efficiency but competitive pricing and attractive game bundles are keeping Radeon in the game. But Nvidia's driver and software enhancements launched alongside high-end Maxwell haven't gone unnoticed by AMD.

As a direct response to Nvidia's software wizardry AMD has conjured up a few tricks of its own. AMD is delivering these in its latest driver update called Catalyst 'Omega'. Eagle-eyed readers may have already seen details about the Omega driver since they were unintentionally released ahead of schedule at the end of last week in the States. AMD's new Omega driver includes a seemingly endless array of new features that target frame pacing, resolution scaling and video quality. Omega is designed for AMD customers using APUs and GPUs with Radeon graphics, so many of the optimisations apply to both product segments.
 AMD Catalyst Omega Driver Review @ Hexus