AMD Athlon 64 Review?

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Just spotted this bit of Info at called New French magazine claims first "real" Athlon 64's review. Here's a snip.

A brand new French magazine call PC Performance, focused on hardware, and more precisely about getting the max from processors, graphic cards and motherboards, claims it has published the first Athlon 64 review ever! The mag does not mention the exact motherboard used for the test. It only specify the chipset being an AMD8000 series... The CPU is a Athlon 64 engineering sample running at 1.4GHz which has the following competitors:

Pentium 4 northwood at 1.4GHz and 2.26GHz on Asus P4GE-V with 512MB DDR400 Kingmax

Athlon Thoroughbred at 1.4GHz (1600+) and 1.8GHz (2200+) on Shuttle AK39N with 512MB DDR400 Kingmax

The tests were done on 32bit application under Windows Server 2003 RC2 and an undisclosed brand Linux with a kernel supporting the 64bit instructions of the new AMD64 processors (Athlon 64 and Opteron)

AMD Athlon 64 Review?