"AM" 8.3 released

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A new software update is available: "AM" 8.3 released

"AM" 8.3 released

AM-Application-Manager 8.3 has been released and makes a substantial modification by adding support for "torsocks" as an optional dependency. This enables users to utilize most apps securely with Tor, including processing DNS requests and rejecting communication other than TCP. The new functionality enables endless updates and installations, allowing users to achieve super-fast connections and circumvent API access restrictions. The new feature also supports the parameters -u or update, -i or install, -e or extra, and -ia or install-appimage. Users can install "torsocks" by searching for it in the system package management. Since the previous version, the database has grown by 140 new products to install, comprising 2400 distinct apps and 346 standalone/portable packages.

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