Altair 8800 Simulator is part of the SIMH family of simulators with a few additional enhancements.

Altair 8800 Simulator is part of the SIMH family of simulators with a few additional enhancements.
We are simulating a fairly "loaded" Altair 8800 from about 1977, with the following configuration:
CPU Altair 8800 with Intel 8080 CPU board 62KB of RAM, 2K of EPROM with start boot ROM.
SIO MITS 88-2SIO Dual Serial Interface Board. Port 1 is assumed to be connected to a serial "glass TTY" that is your terminal running the Simulator.
PTR Paper Tape Reader attached to port 2 of the 2SIO board.
PTP Paper Tape Punch attached to port 2 of the 2SIO board. This also doubles as a printer port.
DSK MITS 88-DISK Floppy Disk controller with up to eight drives.
Extensive documentation is included in the ZIP as altairz80_doc.pdf. Downloads for Linux and Mac are available on the Author's link above.
