AkelPad 4.9.5

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AkelPad - is an open source editor for plain text designed to be a small and fast.
AkelPad - is an open source editor for plain text designed to be a small and fast. It includes a robust set of features to allow you to perform whatever editing project you have with ease.AkelPad Features: Single window mode (SDI), multi window mode (MDI); Editing of files, which size is more than 64K (generally speaking, size isn't theoretically limited); Full support of Unicode strings on Unicode systems Support of Unicode codepages (UTF-16 little endian, UTF-16 big endian, UTF-8); Support of any code page installed in the system; Support of DOS/Windows and Unix newline formats; Preview file open; Correct pseudographics displaying; Editing of files with "Read Only" attribute; Notice when trying to open binary file; Multi-level undo; Search/replace text strings, escape-sequences and also search/replace by hexadecimal code; Remember file codepage; Remember file caret position; Remember last search/replace strings; Remember last opened files; Printing of a document; Support of language modules; Plugins support (syntax highlighting, auto-completion, scripts execution, keyboard macros and much more).