Ai Viewer 3.2

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Ai Viewer is a freeware utility designed for use with .ai graphic files (Adobe Illustrator). It allows you to display preview images, as well as provide options to convert and save opened images in other file formats like JPEG, Bitmap, GIF, PNG, and other extensions.

Ai Viewer is a freeware utility designed for use with .ai graphic files (Adobe Illustrator). It allows you to display preview images, as well as provide options to convert and save opened images in other file formats like JPEG, Bitmap, GIF, PNG, and other extensions.

Ai file extensions are associated as "Illustrator" by Adobe Systems Inc. Ai or Adobe Illustrator is a vector-based drawing program, developed by Adobe Systems.

Since AI files are in vector format, they can be enlarged without losing the quality of the image. Instead of using bitmap image data, the AI file format is composed of paths connected by points. Some programs can open Ai files but may rasterize the image, which means that vector data will be converted to bitmap format. This process will make the file size smaller and more acceptable with more applications, but some of the image quality may be lost during this process.

AI Viewer is very simple and easy to use. All you need is to open an Ai file, zoom, resize and save it in another format of your choice.

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