AI BG Eraser is a graphics utility that allows you to remove the background from an image efficiently.
AI BG Eraser is a graphics utility that allows you to remove the background from an image efficiently.
It performs removal by way of identifying people, animals, and products so it can remove only the background. Once the process is completed, it then drops the edited image in the location of your choosing. Removing the background from an image can help get rid of something unsightly lurking in the background of an otherwise perfect shot or to isolate a person for use somewhere else.
Now, you do not have to download the file necessarily; you can go right to the BG Eraser Online page and drop your image(s) there if you don't need the app long term.
AI BG Eraser supports drag 'n dropping of images, and once your image is dropped, it performs the removal process quickly, adding the stripped-down image to the chosen location.