AhnLab Win32/Conficker.worm Removal Tool 2.0

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AhnLab Win32/Conficker.worm Removal Tool is designed to scan for and then allow for the removal of any instances of Win32/Conficker.worm.

AhnLab Win32/Conficker.worm Removal Tool is designed to scan for and then allow for the removal of any instances of Win32/Conficker.worm.

AhnLab Win32/Conficker.worm will check your computer for any infection caused by specific viruses and will then allow you to remove them. The scan dives deep into your system, attempting to uncover any hidden infections thoroughly. Keep in mind that this removal tool is virus-specific and provides no other function other than allowing you to seek and destroy the Win32/Conficker.worm. You target a specific area or allow the tool to check everywhere. Depending on the criteria specified the scan can take quite some time to complete.

AhnLab Win32/Conficker.worm Removal Tool is displayed from a straightforward interface with bells or whistles but in the event of infection allowing you to get right to the point quickly is imperative.
