ABIT Computer Corporation announced the SI7 motherboard featuring the SiS R658 chipset and Samsung Electronics' 1200MHz RDRAM memory. Developed jointly with Silicon Integrated Systems (SiS), a leading core logic and graphics chip maker and Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., the industry-leading memory technology supplier, ABIT's SI7 motherboard is designed for power users seeking PCs with the highest performance and best features. The ABIT SI7 supports up to 4 GB 1200/1066MHz RDRAM memory capacity and fully supports AGP8X interface for powerful graphics chips. In addition, the SiSR658/963 chipsets are also equipped with powerful multimedia functions, including 5.1 Channel AC'97 2.2 Audio, 10/100MB Ethernet, Home PNA2.0 and Dual ATA133/100/66 IDE Channels, six USB 2.0/1.1 ports, and three 1394a ports, which can fully meet the high end PC requirement.