7 Caps

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7 Caps is a compact and straightforward indicator utility that displays number/caps lock status in real-time.

7 Caps is a compact and straightforward indicator utility that displays number/caps lock status in real-time.

7 Caps will be a money saver when the indicator lights on your current keyboard or laptop are not functioning saving you on repair or replacement or if you just want heads up verification of functional status. This status will be helpful when typing a passage from a website onto a local document, for instance. But that's not all; you get some mild customizations that allow you also to set sounds when the caps/num locks are turned on or off further streamlining the status check process.

7 Caps is exceptionally straightforward to set up and use and comes in a portable edition, so you can always have it with you. Keep in mind that an app that tracks key input will undoubtedly get some VirusTotal hits which will usually be a false positive - for more info on false positives.
