333 MHz FSB for the Athlon

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Lost Circuits have posted an in-depth analysis of the upcoming switch for AMD processors to 333MHz FSB! Here's a snip.

To get back to the overall clock frequency, what we need is a frequency that is a common multiple for both 133 and 166 MHz, which leaves 666, 1000, 1333, 1666 and 2000 MHz as possible choices. Given the fact that any CPU can only run at multipliers above OR below 13 x, the 2GHz clock speed falls out since it would require a 12 x and a 15 x multiplier. Theoretically, it is still possible but from a practical standpoint, unlocking and relocking a CPU is not a very efficient way of collecting data, especially if the requirement is to run all benchmarks on the identical system where identical means that we won't even swap processors. 333 MHz FSB for the Athlon @ Lost Circuits