101 Clips 30.11

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101 Clips can be utilized for simple multi-clipboard management and more.

101 Clips can be utilized for simple multi-clipboard management and more.

You have the option to have it running minimized allowing it to capture everything you cut or copy from other programs. 101 Clips will retain the last 25. When the time comes to paste one back, all that is required to restore it is to simply click on the desired clip.

You can also work entirely from the keyboard by choosing a function key to restore and then paste any clip by typing the letter displayed next to your selection. Moving the mouse over the clips allows them to be shown in the viewer. If the particular clip is text, you see several lines, and if it is a graphic, you see a thumbnail.

101 Clips can also be used for capturing screenshots:

-To capture the entire screen press Prt Scr.
-To capture the active window press Alt+PrtScr
-To capture an individual graphic from Internet Explorer or AOL, point to the graphic, right click and select "Copy" from the drop-down list.
