The following 10 Gentoo Linux updates has been released: [ GLSA 201207-02 ] libxml2: User-assisted execution of arbitrary code, [ GLSA 201207-01 ] sudo: Privilege escalation, [ GLSA 201207-10 ] CUPS: Multiple vulnerabilities, [ GLSA 201207-07 ] Keepalived: Denial of Service, [ GLSA 201207-08 ] Gnash: Multiple vulnerabilities, [ GLSA 201207-09 ] mod_fcgid: Multiple vulnerabilities, [ GLSA 201207-06 ] JRuby: Denial of Service, [ GLSA 201207-05 ] pidgin-otr: Arbitrary code execution, [ GLSA 201207-04 ] X.Org X Server: Privilege escalation, and [ GLSA 201207-03 ] ChaSen: User-assisted execution of arbitrary code
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