10 CentOS Updates

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The following CentOS updates has been released: CESA-2012:0516 Critical CentOS 6 thunderbird Update, CEBA-2012:0512 CentOS 6 aide Update, CEBA-2012:0511 CentOS 6 matahari Update, CESA-2012:0515 Critical CentOS 6 firefox Update, CESA-2012:0518 Important CentOS 6 openssl Update, CESA-2012:0516 Critical CentOS 5 thunderbird Update, CESA-2012:0516 Critical CentOS 5 firefox Update, CESA-2012:0515 Critical CentOS 5 firefox Update, CESA-2012:0518 Important CentOS 5 openssl Update, and CESA-2012:0509 Moderate CentOS 6 wireshark Update Read more