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0patch is a microscopic solution that provides miniature patches of code (micro patches) to computers and other devices worldwide in order to fix software vulnerabilities in various, even closed source products.

0patch is a microscopic solution that provides miniature patches of code (micro patches) to computers and other devices worldwide in order to fix software vulnerabilities in various, even closed source products.

0patch is capable of applying security fixes for numerous zero-day threats, unsupported and legacy software without any user action. With 0patch, there are no reboots or downtime when patching and no fear that a huge official update will break production.

It would be almost impossible to eliminate all the errors in applications, so the author carefully selected what the micro patching provided targets:

quickly fix "0day" and unpatched vulnerabilities
micropatch end-of-life and unsupported products (including vulnerable old Java versions)
provide patches for legacy OSes and applications
repair exploits in the wild
fix vulnerable 3rd party components and customized software
