Zapping unwanted bits of Windows XP!

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Paul Thurrott posted how to do this way before XP was even released. Since then it's been posted all over; who do these clowns think they are, trying to take credit for discovering it?
can you say "OLD NEWS"? i read about this about a month after win2k was out.
Of course its the inquirer, the British are known to have lag times of about a year :)
So what if its old news. I didnt know about it :) Thanks. /FuZe
How about actually reading the entire article before commenting on it being old news? The article discusses not only how to remove the messenger, but also the Windows games, Frontpage Extensions, DTC, etc..) All I ever heard about was removing windows messenger, and while you could disable such things as the COM+ service, it would still be in the system. Thanks, Timm