Wolfenstein Patch Today?

Cool, about time though.

i thought rtcw was a great game but is seemed short for me, is there going to be a part 2? maybe a chance to take out Der Führer

Excellent news, but one thing worries me with this addition :- "Added Voice-Chat abuse fix" Does that mean it will put a stop to people like myself spamming in an axis voice every so often "I am a Soldier" "Yes!" alot as it is quite funny. :)

Hehe, you too? :)

ah you bastards

yes me too allie or axis it is funny and whats even more funny or sad i guess is the people who take this game so serious that there actually happy that id made this patch!!my answer to them is not a patchj but a suggestion: """IF YOU DONT WANT TO HEAR CHAT TURN IT OFF,GO ON A SERVER WITHOUT IT(THERE ARE PLENTY!!);OR MY PERSOANAL FAVORITE-GO PLAY COUNTERSTIKE YOU ***** PUSSIES!!!"

I hope so, coz people who have to put up with idiots like u and ur constant spamming have had enuff!!!