Wintuning Kit 2001 International Edition Released!

Anyone know how to revert Explorer back to NOT having a bitmap in the toolbar? This program changes a ton of stuff that is NOT documented. Kinda pissed me off..

What os are you using? If Windows XP Professional type gpedit.msc in the run box, in there is the setting you are looking for. If a different OS, find the progam "Xteq X-Setup".

I know its a avery good tool but it the same like u are saying changing options which u do not want .... LIKE WinInBlack ....... I wanted simply to deactivate the startup screen of EUDORA ....... and after that my whole eudora was fucked up and the personal DATA was DELETED .... thanks god i had made a backup because of rreinstallation before ..:!!!!!! tools like X-Setup simply lost the overview .... Use Tweak-XP or CustomizerXP they have something to loose and so they are making GOOD tools perhabs the are missing some options ... But u can't ***** up your system ...... OH and a last word on TWEAKUI for XP DO NOT KLICK ON THE CHANGING THE LINK ARROW BUTTONS AFTER THE UR SYSMBOLE ARE IN 256 COLOR mode and U can't get them Back !!!!! Mertsch

Just use Tweak UI (from powertoys). It's in the Internet Explorer section (it works with windows explorer as well) Mythos

Anyone know how to revert your system back to "normal" after this damn program screws everything up? All my colours are different, and I can't change a thing.

LOL....dont you hate when that happens