Windows XP AntiSpy Tool!

hopefully it works,couldnt read anything it said

Click on the American Flag and it will be in english.

Huh? There is no spyware or phone home stuff in XP. That's all a bunch of FUD that's been spread around prior to it's release. I didn't think anyone still believed it. This site isn't even in english; like I'm going to download something called an anti-spy tool and install it on my system. Yeah right. Who know what this thing really is; do you guys report on every lame program and hack you find?

i swithced off error reporting long before this prog was relesed..i have noe doubt that the rest of the options the way winXP suck balls...win2k a log faster and has just as much uptime as winxp...for me that is

If you go to the "AntiSpy Tool" link and look at it in English, it describes how to accomplish each one of the "antispy" tweaks manually. This way you can pick and choose for yourself AND know exactly what has been done, rather than relying on a program that who knows what it's doing.