Windows XP and Service Pack 1:Why The XP Keygen Won?t Help? For Long

The problem (from Microsofts point of view) is that the keygen in question creates genuine keys. Now whilst it is undoubtable true that M$ has a data base of keys they created, it should be obvious that new copies of XP are being manufactured all the time (with new keys). In this senerio, its therefore quite likely that new M$ keys may match newly generated keys (or even ones generated sometime ago). Microsoft cannot keep a database of keys generated by users as the list would a: unattainable, and b: infinate. All Microsoft could do would be to change the algorithm used to create the keys (genuine and user produced) and inevitable this would soon be cracked too. I suspect that whilst making a token gesture (by blocking the famous Devils Own Key in SP1), Microsoft are aware that a complete clamp down is virtually impossible and are simply trying to save face. Only time will tell, but I think for the immediate future people have a lot less to worry about than the writer of this article suggests. Just my ten Cents. :-)

None of this sh*t matters. Someone will crack it, probably within a week. Someone always does.