Why Adblock is bad for the "free" Internet

I for one do not use Adblock to block every single advert on the page. I use it to block the more irratating, insulting or just plain slow loading adverts. i.e. An advert like 'Are you stupid - click here' or 'Want to know you IQ' (low obviously if you click it) just insult peoples intelligence. I know what pays for the websites existance, but then they should use adverts that are small, and to the point, not mindless junk. crap adverts are bad for the 'Free' internet.

apperantly you dont have a clue what these news portals cost to run :P if they die, its only the end user thats going to suffer.. Driven by a central corporate sponsor? where do you think the objectivity of the site goes then? and if you think ads wil disappear because of that , you're wrong. the corporate sector's goal is to make money.. not make internet geeks happy by removing banners from the net.

I have no problem with ads and anytime I get something I click em .... e.g. if I got to a site and download a new driver or stuf I am pressing STRG and opening every advertising link on site and later close the window including all ad links but what I absolutely do not tollerate is flash ads that are unclosable in the front of the website you want to read ... this is blocked immediatly because this is by no means fair advertising

Wow you know how funny it is that this is posted on W2S? I tried surfing this site at school, it is just HORRIBLE. There is a huge banner ad at the top, bunch on the sides, then lots in the comment sections as well. It is just ***** awful, if adblock didnt exist, I definately wouldnt visit the site as often, maybe even not at all (and this goes for a lot of other sites as well). It is not a loss because I have never once in my life clicked a banner ad.

There are 2 kinds of webistes: "Private Personal" sites run by some guy (or as refer to "Free" content site in the passage), and "Commercial" sites run companies. When someone decide to run their own a "Private Personal" website, they are obligated to pay for it themselves (for the cost). The sites exist not because they can put ads on the page, but they want to put "their own opinion/content" on the internet. The situation is clear now. You want to promote your own private/personal B.S. or content (being the site owner and such), but doesn't want to pay for it from your own pocket, instead you blame the 3rd revenue that "helps" you pay for YOUR bills. BTW, he uses www.blog.com to publish this passage. Kind of like posting in a chat room or some internet newsgroup. crap talk all around. Once again, I don't think is a "News" item; If we want to hear b.s. , we can go to any number of chat rooms or specific topic internet newsgroup.

Don't run those portals then, but wait ... if you do, you will lose that ALL MIGHTY power of site administrator, which you can ban, kick people from YOUR site, or the ability to post "subjective" content that you like, how sad ... Where is the end user in this, you tell me?

i didnt ask any sites to open, and i pay my internet bill, its not up to me to supply them with money by clicking anything i dont want to, or sending a payment/donation. thats done voluntary, and yes, i've contributed to websites in the past, and guess what, alot of em end up going down the drain anyway... and i'm sure its not because of me. what i find funny, is most people start a web site, for lack of anything better to do, with no thought of earning a profit, or at least not their primary goal to make money. so someone makes a donation, and their like hey, thats great, but when the donations stop, suddenly we get the crying like omegas doing in the other news post, well to that i say.. pack up, i'm not begging anyone to keep their sites open, i cant afford to give donations all the time, and i damn sure dont have the time to click on every banner on every site i downloaded something from. i used to click on w2s banners, allowed em past adblock and everything, but it just kept getting worse, when w2s added intellitxt, that was it for me, i blocked everything. since when and who said that its up to us to click the banners and support websites? websites are here to make the web worth OUR time and money (to our isp) to surf.. NOT the other way around. its the way of the web, one site closes, then 3 others pop up. its been that way since i can remember being on the web heck even bbs boards didnt moan about money from their free users, they allowed us simple mail, and some games, and boards to converse on, and asked nothing in return. and if you do have a website geared solely for making money, or hoping to make what you can off it, you better have a good plan to keep it up, because the only person you can count on is yourself, dont rely on everyone to help you, because it just dont happen that way. from the article: "The ones eating the cost have another source of revenue usually not Internet based." well maybe more of em should do that now too. the web was just fine before popups and banners where everywhere, its just people wanting to make a buck, well they can go make it elsewhere.. or ask my isp to give em a slice of what i pay em a month. /rant off

I remember 1994-97 when not so many people were using the Internet. All was fine, not many banners, not a single popup window. Lots of private websites could live without banners. But the times have changed drastically, guys. Even Clan Websites are horribly expensive nowadays and members will mostly have to share the cost of it, especially if they see frequent traffic. There are LOTS of websites which start as a hobby and then the hits rise and rise each day until the provider says stop and wants the money for the increased traffic. Who can blame them? Traffic is not free! Most people still think the internet is completely free just because they download their games and music from it for free (and probably have parents pay for their internet too). THAT IS NOT THE CASE. I understand banners, heck I regularly see a banner that interests me and I click on it, but popups are annoying. Okay, banners (especially flash banners) use a lot of bandwidth, but thats the way how the internet stays the way it is. So many things are free in it for what we had to pay before (news, information, pictures, etc). But I cant remember EVER hearing someone crying about the ads in the newspaper or magazine. You guys should really realize how this system works and stop living in your dream world....... I can only shake my head at people who are annoyed by a few banners and even blame people for using banners on their website. Thats exactly the same stupid moronic thinking as the software pirates have who wonder why the quality and quantity of PC games is nowhere near where it was 10 years ago and certain genres are near extinguished.

as far as I know noone has ever been banned from here. And I dont even have that power :P I'just post news whenever i have the time (unfortunately not too much lately). The end user Drives the site. but since people keep coming here we must be doing something right. But I dont excactly agree with all the adverts either. I just see why we cant do without them. That being said, they annoy me too. But I just dont allow then to irritate me and Im fine. Dont make it more of a problem than it is :P

you would be right if you werent backwards. no one is OBLIGATEED to do anything with their private personal site... it is just that PERSONAL. which means they can do whatever they want as long as people keep coming. They are surely not obligated to pay for it themselves like its some kind of internet law... i dunno where you picked up that twisted idea. Were not a news team? you can go to any number of chatrooms or NEWSgroups? well why are you here then? shouldnt be off to the land of better? Yes some of whats posted here are rumors. Sometimes its true and sometimes its false. I dont really see yur problem since noone is keeping your here on a leech.

i dont blame them for using banners, but its foolish to get angry when we dont click them, after being bowled over with the amount of ads, from popups/unders, flash, or intellitxt, that people want a way to trim them down or take them off out right. its our pc's we ultimately decide what we want to view on them, so why shouldnt we have the right to block them? i love to read, books mostly but i cant sit by a window and do it, because as much as i like to read, i'd rather stare out a window and watch the wind blowing in the tree's etc, so seeing a flash banner my eye is easily drawn and i loose my place alot. so i still say, its not my responsiblity to do anything to help a website stay open, they chose to open it, they need to have a better game plan to keep it open. its not wrong to ask for help, like i said, i've supported websites in the past, but they eventually went down, so throwing bad money after good to prolong the inevitable is silly. if your so relying on donations or others, your doomed from the start. telling me adblock is bad is pointless, telling me i dont have a choice, is stupid.